Your article just reminded me of a conversation I had with a therapist about a year ago, maybe longer ago. I was going through a difficult time and she said roughly the same thing "you can't always work your way out of things, sometimes you just have to feel the feelings". That always really stuck with me, because I'm the type who tends to come up with an action plan for everything, but sometimes like you write "some things just hurt", and it's ok to feel those feelings. Thanks for that reminder.
Ahh, a Dopamine option. I think making a list and adding the pieces of paper to a cup and pulling them out when needed is what might work for me. 3-5 minute quick hits!!
Your article just reminded me of a conversation I had with a therapist about a year ago, maybe longer ago. I was going through a difficult time and she said roughly the same thing "you can't always work your way out of things, sometimes you just have to feel the feelings". That always really stuck with me, because I'm the type who tends to come up with an action plan for everything, but sometimes like you write "some things just hurt", and it's ok to feel those feelings. Thanks for that reminder.
So many of us are like that. I’d rather try to use logic to get through things, but I’ve learned the hard way that it doesn’t work like that.
Ahh, a Dopamine option. I think making a list and adding the pieces of paper to a cup and pulling them out when needed is what might work for me. 3-5 minute quick hits!!
That’s a great idea! I’d love to hear how it works for you.
Oooh love Sharon Salzburg! This feelings wheel is fantastic. Saving 💛
Wonderful! We joke all the time at work about needing to have better emotional awareness, so I finally decided to make my own little wheel.