
How to Wind Down from Your Workday

A workday yoga practice from Laura Hodgson

Hello! I’m so excited to share today’s guest post with you.

created a weekday wind-down yoga practice just for readers of Humans Leading as a way to get you feeling restored after a long day of work.

As I discussed in yesterday’s post, we already have evening routines whether we realize it or not. And how we spend those routines can have a huge impact on how we feel at night, how we sleep, and how we feel the next day.

Today’s yoga practice will help you feel so much better after a long day of work. I know this for sure because I tried it after I worked a 16-hour overnight shift. Not only did it leave me feeling restored, but it also allowed me to sleep more deeply than usual.

I highly recommend trying it after you get home from work (or stop working) today.

Here’s Laura to tell you more about it:

Hey there,

I’m Dr. Laura Hodgson, yoga teacher and economic advisor. I am also the writer behind of Between a Rock and a Hard Pose where I share a monthly online yoga class and write about climbing adventures and learning to live life more mindfully. 

Between a Rock and a Hard Pose
Welcome to Between a Rock and a Hard Pose
Hey there! I’m Dr Laura Hodgson, from ‘9 to 5’, I’m the City of Adelaide’s Principal Economic Advisor. But outside of the office, I am a keen rock climber, yogi and avid reader…
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As part of a collaboration with Jillian, I’m excited to share with readers of Humans Leading a 20ish-minute weekday wind down yoga class to help you release stress from the day and transition into your evening. 

For this class you only need a yoga mat, and really that’s not even a necessity. 

Please remember if you are looking after any injuries, illness or are pregnant please consult with your medical provider before undertaking any new form of exercise.

When you are ready, roll out your mat, hit play and enjoy! Once you are done, I’d love for you to let me know how you found it in the comments. And come join me over at Between and Rock and a Hard Pose for more ways to fit movement into your day.

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